The Great 300-Word Experiment

Entry question: What can do use to make sure you write about important stuff regularly? Something that is not dependent on your whims and mood and how tired you’re feeling and whether your team won today’s IPL match.

Ain’t happening the normal way

So we should all be writing posts about ideas that we think are clear in our mind, ideas that we think aren’t clear, and ideas that we don’t even think about.

But we aren’t.

Why not?

Is it because there is no real strong process to make sure that you get the writing done?

When you’re back home after college or work and are fully tired and have just had dinner, the last thing you want to do is sit down at your computer and write, of all things.



What might such a process look like?

Cooking up a solution

Sustained momentum. High volume. Lots of opportunities for change.

These suggest a writing frequency of at least one essay every two to three days.

We build up momentum and keep it going. We write lots of stuff and become better at writing. We get to see patterns and fix the bugs in our process.

Learn and discover - write to try to figure something out.

Hmmm… that suggests that we don’t write about some narrow topic where we think we know it all. We want to write about a variety of topics that matter to us.

Low expectations. This is the most important one.

We want something that we can do even if all we have is 15-20 minutes at the end of the day.

Plus, we don’t want to impose crap restrictions like “write a complete post”, or “write 4-5 paragraphs”, or anything that adds extra pressure.

Quantity over Quality. And still, low pressure over beating yourself up.

Okay. So, not 1000 words a day. And not hundred words a day (too short, little or no momentum, not much volume).

Not 500 words in three days, either. We are just budding writers, not experts who need time to produce refined words in gold.


The Great 300-Word Experiment is born

That’s all there is to it.

300 words.



Not in a notes file on your computer. Not a bunch of words scribbled on a piece of paper.

Actual sentences visible to the entire world on an actual website.

Why publish it?

You want momentum, hey, you got it!

You get lots of opportunities to try out different things and improve.

Lots of volume. In the span of just one month, you will have written 30 posts. As opposed to 4 posts in your normal process (if you even write every week). That’s 9000 words, minimum.

Write about a lot of topics. Bring out ideas from a new corner of your mind with every day’s post.

Low expectations? Ain’t no lower expectations than writing 300 stinking words. You can write down what you had for dinner and you would be done before you even get to the desserts.

Professional secrets

And there’s another secret to the 300-Word Experiment.

It is difficult to start writing, just like it is difficult to start anything. It takes quite a push to get us going.

Do you think you will write only 300 words once your engine is started and you’re starting to cruise?

Low expectations => No pressure to write anything more than 300 words.

Human tendency => Hey! I’m in the zone… let me keep kicking ass.

All the best!

Created: April 25, 2014
Last modified: August 6, 2015
Status: finished
Tags: writing, blog, 300 words, experiment, low expectations

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