Long Now: Preservation
What books or TV shows will still be around in thirty years’ time? Will you still be able to access your favourite books and shows then? Hmmm… probably, yes. Digital stuff does seem easy to replicate and thus store.
But will you even remember what they were? The answer is not an obvious yes. I can’t remember all the songs I’ve loved over the last three months. I heard somebody else playing a song and was pleasantly surprised to remember that this was my favourite song two months ago. Our memories are leaky buckets. Don’t expect them to hold water for decades.
We are fading, all fading … If the taint is not checked, soon our wands will break and all our arts cease, the line of Merlin will end and the blood of Atlantis fail.
– Draco Malfoy, HPMOR Chapter 7: Reciprocation
There would be no more wizards, no more magic, ever. Just Muggles who had a few legends about what their ancestors had been able to do.
– HPMOR Chapter 22: The Scientific Method
Favourite Books
I have listed most of my favourite books on Goodreads. So, that will probably stay, especially if I back it up regularly.
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